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11 means of anchor chain connection

A.1 - Connection of two chain-cables

A.2 - Standard length with joining shackle

A.3 - Standard length with joining shackle and anchor shackle

A.4 - End length with joining shackle, swivel and anchor shackle

A.5 - Forerunner with joining shackle, swivel and anchor shackle

B.1 - Connection of two chain-cables

B.2 - Standard length with lugless joining shackle

B.3 - Standard length with lugless joining shackles and ordinary anchor shackle

B.4 - End length with lugless joining shackle, swivel and ordinary anchor shackle

B.5 - Forerunner with lugless joining shackle, swivel and lugless anchor shackle

B.6 - Three links adaptor piece

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